md cosmetic & laser clinic will be taking part in the 12th annual Crystal Gala, Abbotsford's premiere fundraiser to benefit the fight against breast cancer on Saturday, November 6th. As a silver level sponsor, md cosmetic will be supporting this important cause with a donation and presence at the event. All proceeds from the gala will go towards building a new breast health wing at the Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre.

The Crystal Gala Foundation is made up of a group of women who for the past 12 years have volunteered not only their passion but resources to help raise funds that are all donated toward realizing a “future without breast cancer”!

To date, they have raised almost one million dollars and have committed to raising another $500,000.00 for the Crystal Gala Breast Health Unit at the Abbotsford Regional Hospital.
Dr. Haneef Alibhai and his wife, Yasmin will be attending the gala at the Ramada Plaza & Conference Centre where they will be enjoying the company of many of their friends from the Abbotsford business community.
In addition to their contribution as a silver level sponsor, md cosmetic will also be donating a cosmetic treatment for the Crystal Gala Silent Auction. We hope you will join us in supporting the fight to end breast cancer.

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